Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Queeu Emma Hall. £stablished 1S>S3. ! | J0S. TINKER, iFflMILY-SBUTCHER Maker of the Ctlebrated Cambridge Pork Sa’jsage ! Trv Thex. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and 8aborbs. Mutual TeIephono Xumber i — Long Branch BAT HIN G Establishment. Fhis h irst-class Bathmg Eosort hns been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the be>t plaee on the islands to enjov a bath and there is uo better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodatiors for Ladies. Tmmcars pass the door eveiy half hourand on Saturdays and Sondavs everv fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LEWIS & C0., and Retail Grocers AXD PEO\TSION DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNIA SALM0N ONICE tvery Saa Fnincisco Stēamer. Salt Salmox ix Barrels a Specialty. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. SANS S0UCI H0TEL WAIKIKI, IIONOLOLU. Fiist-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and Island Guests. $ SUPERIOR BATHING FACILITIES, Private Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. SIMPSON, cct9 Manager. *% MORTGAGEE’S XOTICE OF FOKESLOSURE. In accordano« with the proTisious of z certain mortgage. ma ie by C ALAPAI to IsabbeUa A Aehi, October 5, 1S9.., recorvie<l in Liber 14ō, 248; notive is hereby gixen that the Mortgag.-e int*nds to foreclose tbe same lor cnnditions brokeu, to wit: non-payment of pnnoipal. Notice is Ukewise given that after the expiration of three aeeks from tbe date of thi» noūee, the property conreyed by said mort£!! will be a>>Tertised for sale at pablie »nonon. at the aactk>n rooms of Ias. F Morgan, in Honoiala, on MONDAY, the 20th tL»r oi Xt>Tember, 1893, at 12 noon of said day. Fnrther particn!ars ean be had of Wm. C Aehi, Attorney «t I.aw. Dated Honolnln. October 25, 1893. lS>ABELLA A. AOHL Mortgagee. The jwemiaes covered by saiti m.jrtgage, oonsist of: AU tbose premisea sitnated at Kapalan» Hoholnln, Oahn. aid more particn!sr deribed in a part>tion deed betw. »n W C Aehi aad said C Alapai, re-vrded in Iāber 125 page I; oontftinins; aa area of 1-10 of an acre; and bemg • part of ihoee prenuaee known as Apana I described in Boya! Patent, number 68<, gncted to Keliipaeaina. oct. 28-3w