Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 November 1893 — We Told You So! [ARTICLE]
We Told You So!
Another instance of the intense t‘Kilishness in arming irresponsible men! ihe followmg report comes to our trom the verv best author!ty: A few days agoasmall (blast«d?) Britisher entered an uptown ealoon for the purpose of enjoying a glass of ale fdon’l you knjw!) lt happens that the same Britisher has got a very tame colt out of a very tame mare and that Ihe colt follows him like a pet dog. On this occ »sion the litt!e co!t followed the ale—desiring Britisher into the saloon and— as colts will do—t«x)k a colt's-eye view of the premises. A specimrn of the dreihundred was nround the plaee and objected 10 the fonr feeted animal l>eing allowed in /im sacred presence. The Bar-keeper mildly suggt‘Ste!l that Hans ought’nt to be mad even if the establishment did took like astable as Hans probably hael been in a stable before, and perhapseven were born in one. i)eutcber iguored the remarks of the bar-keeper (who is rather powerful) and devoted his attention to the Britisher and the colt (the Britislier being an apparently small man.) The Britisher attended qiertly to h;s business (drinking the ale) and stood the “gatT" of the “preserved dutch citizen” as long as he couid. Fin»lly the ale and the p&tience of the litt!e Britisher ran out and there was a knoek out—or rather thrt*e of ihem. 'i’he (not “very well” this timej preserved citizen thea got a uiove on him and after requesting a stay of proceedings forabout ten minutes walked home to fetch his dead!y government gun. When he returned ihe eoh and the Britisher had gone and he was alone with n W iuchester rifle full of cartridges and on full eoek. together with the bar keeper. W’hat happened we caunot descri’oe. A cyclone struck the hoōse soiuewhere and Uans is now mourniug the h«s of the government gun and bis reputation as a gunner. Morall Mr. Dole. cease to arm ! men who while they don’t hurl auv “outsider” migtbt hurt themselves or some of tiie “insiders.”