Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — WHY RESIGN? [ARTICLE]

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— I Editob Holomi a: A correspondent signing himself “Loyalist” in yonr yesterdav’s issue, passes an implied censuro upon Her Majesty s Minister of Interior, Mr. J. F. Colburn. for a snpposed nnwillingness to resign his portfolio, in case of a restoration of the constitntional government. After reading that letter I have felt some doubt as to the accuracy of the »om de plume selected by your correspondent, as I cannot reconcile my ideas of the duty of a *‘loyalist” with a demand for ministerial resignations ”at the present critical time’ to qaote of his own words. I should like to answer your correspondent's question by asking another viz. what reasons exist for such ministerial resignations? I ean think of none save the creation of vacancies to be filled bv enemies of the cause. As previously urged in your Journal there is uo princlple at stake with the gaug who dominate the P. G. They are in politics for “what there is in it. lt is a raatter of “indifFereneo to them under what name or system they sail, so long as their pet system of spoils be not interfered with. If they could be assured of the offices, and the boodle incident to their peculiar manipulation of them, we wouKl without delay see them falling over eaeh other in tbeir cfforts to kiss the Royal band, plight their faith and receive the —oflices. How well founded is this snrmise let the intrigues of the recent past and of the present testify. I regard it v as the manifest and paramount dutv of Her Majestv s rainisters to stand firm in their opposition to the “missionary” claraor for their resignations. Any.othercourse on their part wonhl bo rank treachery to those who have waited ; and suffered for the success of the cause representetl by constitutional popular government iu , Hawaii. I feel that »ny minister ' of Her Majestv who sha!l resign | at this junctnre will deserve the ; execration of all IoyaI residents — and this witbout reference to tbe j sonrce of the request for such ' resignation. It is impossib!e that snch reqnest sbonld be in the trne interest of the loya!ist party. I deeply suspect that the “P. G. sack” has been opened

upon some of the so-caIIed loyalists and the letter to wlieh I have herem referrevl may have been dictatevl l>y a Iivelv sense of favors to eome—from tbe P. G. hosts. It is matter of eommon repute that the P. G. adhereuts are endeavoring to buy their way into the loyalist camp, and tbai thev have suoceeded with at !east one professing loyal>st of some proraiueuce. It therefore behooves all who hopefor anesoape from the ill of"missionarv rule toview with the ntmost suspicion anv suggestions lookicg toward a condition that will render possible such a cbange of base by the pharisees. as will rid tbem of their preseut, self adopted badae of rebellion nnd plaee D * them in offtce and power under the sanotion of constitutional forms. Another Loyalist.

Editor Holomi a; An editorial in the Advertiser of Nov. 16. has the following: ‘*It is t > the credit of Mr. D»vies veracitv that he is not found emploving the ridicnlous invention of the royalists that the ex-queen was detbroned by Mr. Stevens and the United States forces. In the name of al! that is holy — what is tbe Advertiser driving at? Stevens aud the I nited States forces overthrowing the queenl In the first plaee, who is Mr. Stevens- uever heard of such a man being in Honolnlu before. M o have known of United Statcs forces being ashore on liberty and enjoying themselves for some years past. but never heanl before of such nonsense, as dethroning or nttempting snch a thing as dethroning the Queen. On the contrary, if it is sought under the secore protection of a glorious union of pork and beans to provide fopersonal comfort to pedd!e out such stuff to furtlier integral spinal cords, he will bear look’ng after. There Mi. Editor, in regard to sense and veracity, the above is just about on a par with the Advertiser editorial. Mr. Davies should drop tbe words “pemonal friends” for those whom he calls “personal friends” are just viclousenongh to hang him on sight if they dared. In a verv short time. they will be as meek as lambs. They have the Calvinistic disposition of murder in their hoarts —it is only the sense of fear that hoKla them in eheek. Bcckingham.