Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 Nowemapa 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[We do not hold oarsel*;« respon»ible for ths opinionā or the niumnee» of ocr eorrespondents.] Ei>itop. HoLonei: Yoa eau inform voar inqaisitive corres{»on«.lent who signs - bimself a Loyalist in yonr issne • of last evening, for me, that if he ! had asked the second qaestion , cf h;s letter ovtr his sign ture I wouhl inform him. and all i others who are desirous of know- ; ins the whv s. aml wherefores ■ o 1 of the position 1 take in the matt**r, that he se«s fit to charge me with, withont knowing what he is writiug abont. You ean also say to the self styled, loyal gentleman that I have an oliioe : on Kaahumanu Street, whero he oan always find me, and interI view me on matters I am ae- ! quainted with. and get ray opinion on the same, without fear, or ! favor. John F. Colbck.\. Honolulu Nov. 17, 1893.