Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Joe's Hot Scotch. [ARTICLE]

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Joe's Hot Scotch.

We tlo not profess to be eipei in “Scotch as she is spoke,” yet wheu Joe Marsden comes out in the Star with a long rigmarole on diversified indusirifs, the result of extensive cnbbing from works on tropical agricnltnre aud prefaces his remarks by quoting what he calls, ' the old Scotch,” i savinc; Manv mickles. make a muekle,’ we feel bound in the I interest of the Scotch residents in this communitv to offer a pro- i test at the publīcation of snch arrant nonseuse. Does Joe know that "miekle’ aud "muekle” mean ideutically the sume thing. > viz;—mauy or mueh; For Joe s gnidance. we write down what he ooght to have said, and in order that he may be able to nse it in es«ays of his ; we give several versions of the proverb;— “Many littles make a miekle” “Mony puekle?, mak a muekle’’ “Mony pickles, mak a miekle.”