Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. The undersigned Las received from the Eastern States, The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands. It conc!udes as follows: CIoth, 3 grades; Cues. asssorted; Cushious. [by BIock. patent]; Billiard Balls, Composition »nd Ivorv: Pool, “ “ “ “ Tips. eua^k; Pocket Caslings with leathers, and fringe coraplete; Pocket nattings, fringe aiul leathers; Rubber cove» s; Court Plaster. green and black; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles: Shake ba)ls and leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above goods have been purchased at reduced rates, and the undersigned is now prepared to do auy aud all kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasouab!e rates with dispateh. Also new and second hand Billiard aud Pool Tables for Sale. PIease apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perrv B ock, Hotel St. Houolulu A TAST PROJECT C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS—Ample Oprtnnity for ALL! Owing to onr constantly increasing bnsiness and the great demand of au appreciating coramuuity, wo have eoucluded to otfer an opportunity to all parties having eapilal. Our LINE of SCHOONERS raay be seen gliding over the BAR filled to their utraost carrying capacity with clear, eool and invigorating Fred r<p5rt bur9 j LAUEE BEER At the “Anchor Saloon.” To accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a line large Refrigerator regardless of cost. TIb.e Is the onlv plaee where a Cool. Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step forward geutlemen, NOW’S the Time. ocl4 3m
NAN-YU-SHOSHfl. JUST RECEIVED frora JAPAN Several Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in differ3nt qoalities. of poPeelain Tea Sets a Speoialty Japanese Lanterns and many Corios saitable for Christmas Goods. 411 KIN<i STKEET, īlonolalu. Telephones, Bell 474. P.O. Boi .1S6. Mntnal 544. noia Im CH0CK LOOK, | Mercliant Tailor So. 321 N'uoanu Street, ALL SU1TS GVARANTEED T0 F1T, and MADE in iAe BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED axd REPAIRED.
iCmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprietok. Fine Liquoi , & Eeei 1 , ALWAY8 O.V HAVD. Corner Nunanu and Hotel Streets W. S. LUCE w w M "Wine and Spir*it Mercliant Campbell Fire-jrroof Block, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU XEW EuPopean Xo. 509 Hotel Street. Steak, Ham A Egga for 25 cts. , Boarding $4:50 per week, or 21 | Mea! T'ckets / br $4:50. Fowl tbree times a week, cookiog on first ciass style. Mea1s at al) hoors. CHOCK SING, oct26 Im Proprietor.