Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iciTY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, E>tabli>he<l 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILYaBUTCHER .}faLrr ofthe Celehrakd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbv Thfm. I Meat Delirered to Any Part of the City anel Sul*urbs. Muiual Tclephone Xnmber 289. i i Long Brancli |bathing I Establishment. This Firsl-oIass Bathmg Pesort has been enla«-ged au«i is now ot>en to the pnklie. īt is the best ]>lace on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay oti*. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Traracars pafes the door everv half houraud on Saturdays and Sandays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LEWIS & C0., Wholesale and Retail Grocers AXD PROSTSIOX DEALERS. FRESH €ALIFORNIA SALM0N T ONICE By Every San Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmo\ in Barbels a Specialty. iii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tcl. 240, P. O. Box 297. SANS S0UCI H0TEL WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. A TL Fiist-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and Island Guests. SUPERIOR BATHIHG FACILITIES. Private Cottages for FamilieS. oct9 T. A. S1MPS0N, Manager. MORTGAGEE’S XOTICE OF FORESLOSURE. In accordanee with tbe provisious of a certain mortgage. made by C ALAPAI to Isai>bella A Aehi, dated October 5, l>9.., i>e»rded īn Liber I4ō. rage 24a; uoliee is ber*-by given that the Mortgmgee int?nda to fōredose the same for oonditions btoken, to wit: non-peyment of pnneipai. Notice Ls likewise given that after the expiration of threc weeka frr>m the date of tlus nolioe, the prope ty conveved by said mortg«ge will be a<ivertised for 'sale at pnbl>o aueeon. at the aueeon rooms of I as. F M‘*rgah, in Honolaln. on MONDAY, the 20th dav of Xovemher, 1S93, at 12 noon of s.iii day. 1 nrther partkn!ars ean be had of Wa». C Aehi, Attorney at Ijiw. L>ated Honolnln. October 25. 1393. ISSABELIA A. Ai’HI. Mortgagee. TLe prenuses oovered bv said znorteace consist of: AIl thoee premises »iteated at Kapalama, Hohololn, Oaho. i-d more particjlar described in a partiti->a deed between W G Aehi and sa- J C Aiapai. recorded in Liber li> page 1; «ontaming an area of 1-10 of an acre; and being a part of Ihuee prenusee knowm a» Apana 1 de*cribed in Eoval Pat •nt, number 637. gratited to Keiiipueama. oct. 23-3w