Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 Nowemapa 1893 — Fire at Kukulhaele. [ARTICLE]
Fire at Kukulhaele.
The si«amer Waialeale whioh arrivecl tbis morning froro the Hainakua sicle oi Hawaii. brought nevrs of a fire nhieh occurred at the Knknihaele Mill un Saturdav last. The fire is supposed to have originated nncler the fioor of the boi!ing honse. A11 the hacds worked with a will, an-,1 had the fire soon muler control 1 aml kept to confined it the i»lace , where it originated. The tlamage | amounts to abont fonr thousand i dollars. In consecjuence of this • accident, work will be suspended for about two weeks, until tbe repairs aie completed.