Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — Mo e Libel. [ARTICLE]
Mo e Libel.
Mr. W. G. the editor of the Hawa ; hia ?‘ar, wa? arre?ttd th:« a tfinor>n oa a charge <>f Tibe! in the fir«t de?ree. The art:cl* »h;oh the cau?e of thi= eo t wa? }.ub- ’ shed in the S>ar on \\’edaegjav the lōlh iop.ml. and »a-beaded “A«hford’s bard facta,” the eomplainant in ihe e se. i«i Mr. C. BWiiaon. Mr. Antone I! .n wi't a-s st the prosecution while we soppf)se that t! e ‘'pe *i.le.s” lawver Mr. Ii'uicvw;Il handle t!iedefi-nse.