Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 52, 17 November 1893 — THE MARSHAL'S PET. [ARTICLE]

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RE KMKTkS 4T THE WR05« DOOK. We always predieted that Marshal Hītchcock would get int’o trouble when he iujudicioush' took Lorrin Andrews away from the fertile pastore of Makawao aud made him senior Captain of tbe poliee in Honolula. With his well known “buliish" qnalidcations the Captaiu has already j distinguished himself upon several occask>ns in his great feat of runniug blindlv against a stone-wail, aud he has been followed with more or Jess success in his acrobatic ventures. Last n>ght though he ran into the wrong shop—aud he was consequently run oat of it again. Itwasat the Paeihe Club on Alakea Street aboat 10:45 p.m. The members of theclnb weretn joying themselves in ditierent ways. Sorae were hand!ing the cards, some were admi>ing Joe's attempt ut breaking his back, and turning blue in his face, in hia execuliou of the most fancy shots, and oihers were talking politics, and telling eaeh other all about what the “contingency arisen” was aml other things of similar interest of whieh none of them kuew a blessed thing, when from the back entrance there appeared the stately figure of the senior Captain in full regalias—aml oscorted by a burly polieeman (the black horse didn’t eome inj Theve was of eoa-se a general consteruation among the eluh members present. Mombeis of corpa āiplomalle looked for their hats, member.» of the advisory counciT thoagbt about getting under the table, or behind Joe, naval otficera looked for—well a cat, whilesomeblasted Ilritishers looked for a club. After haviug viewed what he considered his legilimate prey the senior Captaiu stated that he desired tho members of the clnb to stop their noise as complaints had reacbed the Poliee Station from ueighbours—names not meutioned. At this stage a bene\olent member volnnteered a iesson in eommon politeness to the senior Captain, aml removed his head-gear with the remark that senior captains are not supposed to remaiu “covered" among gentleraon, another mcmber with a legal turu of miml requested to see a warrant, and as the senior eaphiin, as usnal, had forgotten such a trifiing docoment he was firmly, but poiitely treated liko tho candle, he looks like — he was put out. To day we understaml the marshal will be furuisbed with some informatiou whieh he evidently needs viz: that the Pacific Club is a privute honse aud also with a request to keep his pets confined to their konnel aml not let them loose at uights. ! |