Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£usurancr *lotiff$. MAUINE INSŪEANCE. Thk X_ t NDEBSK»NEf) is authoriz»xl to take Manne Risks -ONCar2roes, Freiirlits and Commissions, at Current Iiates in the following Corapanies, viz; llliance . Is.suranee Fire <j*. 1 Iarine, - Lonāon Wilhelma of Madgehurg Gen’l. Ins. Co. San īnsurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKEK, i Aercnt tor Hawaiian Lslancls Telephones: Bell 351. Muiaal 117. ResIDENCE : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, .) Contractor d Builder Tlstimatos Ciiven on AJ1 Kinds ()F * T D l!li lllll\ ōiu: All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. u: KEEP8 FOR SALE: Briok, l.ime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, OUl A- New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Q ,;trrv Tiles, nssorted sizes aud eolors; Califomia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blooks, etc., etc. ( Corner King Smith Sts. OFFICE YARD: Office Hours, 8to 12 M., t ito4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co.. PFBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAIl * > H0L0MUA,” V ,Tournal issued r>aily, (Sunday excepted) In tbe English laugnage. and pledged in policy to snpport the Ku.hts *np Prkvtleges of the Hawaiian People, the intert‘xts of tho laboring men. and good aud honest Governaient for the whole couutn-. .IOH PRIXTERS All Bih*ks and Job Pkintino neatly execnted at short notice and at moderate figares. BILL HEADS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS. POSTERS, etc.. Finished in First-Class style. Island Orders soIiciteil and promptly attended to. OmeE : Thomas’ Block, King Street, Honolnlu, H. I.