Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£rarral Adifrtisfauots G. W. «ACFABLAHE 4 C0, I m porters & Com nibsion MERCHA\TS. Honoluln, - Hawaiiau THOMAS UNDSA\ MuHnfactvring | J- *W* r ju.i W'a/c* muXrr, Mclc«my Bl k, 40,’> F> rSt R ;. !o)&. HARRISON BROS COSTRAtTOES A.M» Fi.‘ 1LI‘EKS, 2«.»S Fi rt St., Honolalo. “FAT BOY." BAY 8AL00H! F. M<TNERXV, l«omir"i.. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoR>V.K I?ETUEI. a\k H0TVI. Sr-, CHAS. CIRDLER. Impoiter aml Commi'"'io» Merchant. SrECIAI.TIIlS; •ī. A P. Coats’ Maohme Throa4 Jonas Bnx;ks’ Maohiue Thre«>! Bjuī>onr'? Liueu Thr< iii Pe»rs’ S>->ftj> P. O. Box 358. Mniaal TelejPouo J!» 13 Kiiahuoinnn H. May & Co., Tea Dea!ers, Coffee Roastera & Provision Merchants 98 Fort Strect, - Honolal» Families, PIantations aml Ship supplied with ehoicest Lnropeau & Ameiiean Groccritx California Prodnce bv Everj Steamer. JUST ARRIVED. 9 «3 q BaCarriages OK ALL STYLF>, IN THE LATEST PATTEP>NS. “HOUSEHOLD r Sewing Maehine? Haxd Sewtng Machinf.s, tV AU With the Latest IniproT-men , r’^£| PARLOR Ors:ans, Gruitar&. And OtherMasical In.-trnniēuUL Wincs, liquors, Beer ALWAYS on hand, and FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEE 4 Gi Kin>> St.. oppo. Ca»tle i C«oke «. HO YEN KEE & C0, Tinsmiths and dealers in Crr>efcery ware, Glassware, etc. Water Pipes Laid and KepaimL, P!nmbing Ne*t!y Execut«*L Xo. 41 Nauanu St., betweea King and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building.