Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Que€-n Emma Hall, E>tablished 1<S3. J0S. TINKER, FAMILYSBUTCHER Maker o fthe CdebniU:d Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tp.y Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Snburbs. 3Iutual Telephono Number 289. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-olass Bathing Eesort hns been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islancls to enjov a bath and there is no better plaee to Iay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays anel Sundav s every lifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LEWIS & C0„ V\holesale and Retail Grocers AND PPcOVISION' DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Everj' San Fraucisco Steamer. Salt Salmox rx Barrei.s a Specialty. iii Fort S/., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 2<4j. SANS S0UCI H0TEL WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. m i First-Class Accommodation for Tounsts and Isiand Guests. SUPERIOR BATHI,\G FACILITIēS. Priv3te Cottages fbr FamilieS. oct9 T. A. SIMPSON, Manager. MORTGAGEES XOTICE OF FORESLOSURE. In aeeonlaaee with the provisioi:s of a certain mortgage, made by C AI.APAI to Isahbel!a A Aehi, <!ated October ō, !S9.., r«onle<t in Liher 145, paee 24S; notice u> b«reby given that the >lurtgagee intends to (orecl>>se the same for con<iitions broken, to wit: non-payment oi piineipal. Notice is hkewise given that after Ihe expiration ol thrve week» from ihe <late of this uoliee, the property conveyed by said mortptge will be s<ivertised for sale it pnblie aneeion, at th« arction rooms of las. F Morgan, in Honolnln. on MONDAY, the ‘20th >lay of November, 1893, at 12 noon of saM day. Fnrther particnlars ean be had of Wa, C Aehi, Attorney at Ijv D»ted Honohiln. Octoher 25, 1893. IS-ABELLA A. ACHI, Mortgagee. Tbe premises corered by said nsortgage, comdst of: All thc»-e premiacs <dtnateti at Kapalama. HoVjlnla, Oahn. and more partica!ar described in a pnrtition deed l<etw«en W C Aehi atd said C Aiapai. re«orded m Liber 125 pape 1; containing an area of 1-10 of an acre; and beūg a part of Ihoee pienuaee known as Apana 1 described in Boyal Patent, namber 687, granted to Keiiipneama. oct, 28-3w