Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — Marriage a Failure. [ARTICLE]

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Marriage a Failure.

Tbc Snltans opiniou on the subject might be to the point as to one svstera of marriase. AeJ O conling to recent estimates, his annual household expenditures are as follows: Ilepairs. new furniture, mats beds, etc. 15,000000 francs; toilet requisites, inclndmg ronge and enaraels for the ladies of the harein aud jewellery. 50,000,000 francs; extra * extra vagances,’ 65.000,000 francs; clothes and fnrniture for the Sultan personally, 10,000.000 fraucs; douceurs and wages, 20,000.000 fraucs; gold and silver plate. 12.500.000 francs, maintanance of 5(X) carriages and horses, 2.500.000 francs —a total of 175,000,000 francs.