Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 Nowemapa 1893 — Baldness. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


“Baldness is more eommon iu men than in womeu,’’ says tha Mfdic il Xeuv, ‘ and when it occurs in the women, not the same part is atfecteil as in tho meu." The course of thisditferenee, as snggested bv a writer in tbe iriener Klinie, is to be fonud in the care aml covering of tho hair by eaeh sex. The part of the scalp whieh in man tirst becomes hairless is that whieh the hat-bacd circles. Tho tendency of a stitf, unyielding constriction aronnd anv portion of the bcdy is to limit its bloodsnpplv, and, conseqnently, it normal amonni of nutrition. The scalp, however. is mneh raore fully snpplied with hlooil than auy other part of the bodv away from the head. whieh itself receives about one-third of tho entire supply. Wheu the scalp is covered with a hat, impenueahle and provided with a band whieh constricts tho foreheid, the nomial ventilation of the skin of the scalp is interfered with, perspiratiou, evaporation, circulation, and tho eonduction ef the nervous force aro all unduly affected. The scalp thus kept heated and moisb becomes soft aud unheaithy, In women, the scalp is hardened to exposnre of the bara head, and is further covered by long hair, whieh grows moro slow!y and bas more vitalitv than short hair. Brain-work contribntes to baldness onlv indirectly. Th<y habitual neglect of out of door exercise and of regulating thobodily fnnctions atfects the vitality of the hair. lutensity of tho emotions and excesses of all kinds increa.se tho tendencv to baldness. It is recomraended that tho head coveriug bo light and well ventilated. The evaporation and escape of perspiration from tho bow and scalp should be mado easy. The hat-band shoold not be of firm and unyielding material. The habitual care of the hair shonld include a thorough brnshing as well as corabing. 3Iuch soap and water are not needed. Combs whieh havo teeth with sharp or split e<lges should be avoided. Tho hair should not be cut too short. Little or no oil is required except that whieh is natutal to tho hair. For tbose in whom baldness has already l>egun, through no weakness of the geueral systum, thorough brushiug of th« hair several times a day will bo U>noficial. Tbo hair ahouhl l>e broshOil from iho Huounii in all dir«ciiona. Tbo moaelea of th« foroho«d and M'alp shou!d l>o rogu!arty «x«rciNo. sov«ral iiwoa a dyy. tl m «a)d ihal tho iud>v»dual hairw of Ihe aealp ean W Mn»uUtv»vl i by vubbutg Iho na|vo of iho mvk 1 w»lh a wowo gUno,