Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 51, 16 November 1893 — Then Outspake a Voice. [ARTICLE]

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Then Outspake a Voice.

Among the funnv thing< of the week at the Coiumbian E\iv>sition was a little inoūlent at the single tix congre<> while A. H. Stophenson the single ta\leadei of Ph.hulelphia. \vas making an eloquent onset upon Henrv (re' i rge for his Chinese restriction ideas. He had jnst referre»l to the doors being >hut against the Chinese, aml. with impas sioned v<ūee asked; “TYhere <li(l we get those dbors? Dul the Creator give them to ns? Who gave us this couutrv, auvwav?* To this question a voice in the crowd promptly Ciilled ont. with great damage to the tlow of elo- ] quence: “UV tfole it from tne Ināiai»*." —( S‘nr. ) How Ar.orx Hawaii ?