Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — A REMIRKABLE BILL OF FORE. [ARTICLE]

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At .*v recent comvention in ChicMgo the fol!owing 1»i 11 of fare of an ohl California hotel was exhibiteJ: Soup: Benn ? I 00 Oi-tail (short) • ōO Koast: Mc-xicau (prime cat). 1 50 Boef, np &loug 1 00 Beef, plain I 00 Beef, with one potato (fair size) 1 25 Beef, tame, from the Stite= 1 50 Vegetables: Baked beans, plain \ 75 Bake*i beans, greased 1 00 Two j»tatoes ituedium size) 50 Two potatoes. peeleil 75 Eutrees; Sanrkraut. 1 00 Baoon, frie«l 1 00 Bacon, stoflfed - 1 00 Hash; low gnule 75 Hash, 1S carats 1 0t) GtOM: Codtish balk, per puir 75 GrizzlT, rosst 1 00 (iriizlr, fri«tl 75 Jackas» ntbbit (whole) I 00 Pastrr; Iliee paJtliug, plain 75 Rice pa«i'.iiisg, wiih moiasses I 00 Bice pudJing, with brantlr peaehe»... 200 S>}oare uieal, with Jesert ; 3 00 Parable in »Jrance. N. B,—Gold scaies a: the end of tbe b*r.