Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. Tbe undersigned bas received from tbe Eastern States, Tbe Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to tbe Islands. It condndes as folIows; Clotb, 3 grades: Cues, asssortod; Coshions, [by Block, patent]: Billiard Balls, Composition and Ivorv; Pool,' Tips. Cbalk; Pocket Castings witb leatbers, and friuge eompleie; Pocket uettiugs, fringe aud leatbers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster. green and black; New stvle ehalk Lolders; Triangles: Sbake balls aud leatber bottles; Pool pins: Markers, etc., etc. The above goods bave been purcbased at rednced rates, aud tbe undersigned is now prepared to do any and all kiuds of BILLIARD TABLE WQRK at reasonable rates witb dispat3b. Also new and sccond band Billiard aud Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perrv Block, Hotel St. Houolulu ifilf PR0J1€T C0NSTAHT LIKE 0F SCHOONERS-Amtle Optortumty for ALL! Owiug to onr constantlj| increasing business aud tbo great demand of au appreciatmg commuuity, we bavo eoncluded io utfer au opportnnity to all parties having eapiial. Our LINE of SCHOONERS mav be seen gliding over tbe BAR filled to their utmost carrying capacity with clear, eool aud invigorating Fred lxport burg ! LA&EE EEEE ,, Atthe “Ancbor Saloon.” accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we bave built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. X]nLe “Anelioi,” Is tbe ouly plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer ou draught eau be bad in Honolulu. Step forward gentlemen, NCXW S the Time. ocl4 3m cj ’
NAN-YU-SHOSHft._ • . JUSTJRECEIVEI) APAN • ~r* -■ '^—»-‘ ggĒ3_ Several2Kiud*of JJ, . Cotton Crape,1 Shirts in difterent qualities. \\ml of poPeelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Curios suitable for Christmas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honolnla. TelepboMS, Bell 474. P.O. Bot SS/>. Motnal 544. no!3 Im CH0CK LOOK, Merchant Tailor No. 321 Naaana Streef, ALL SU1TS GUARAXTEED TO F1T, atui MADE in ihe BEST STTLE. CLOTHES CLEANED and REPAĪRF.D
iCmpii*e Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Propriktor. Fins Wine& Liquor-& EeeP, ALWAYS ON HANI). Corner Nauann and Hotel Streets W. S. LUCE M. « W Si S "W r ine anel Spirit Merchant Campbdl Firt-jyroof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU XEW Eni'opean {^tanranfc, No. 509 Hotel Street. Ste»k, Hem k Eggs for 25 cts. Bo«rding $4:50 per week, or 21 Me*I Ticketa for $4:50. Fowl tbree times a week, cooking on first class style. MeaU at all boan. CHOCK SING, oct26 Im Froprietor.