Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — Pictares Taken by Sky-Rockets. [ARTICLE]
Pictares Taken by Sky-Rockets.
An exceedingly intere»tiug Engli>b iuvention consist> of a eamem eomhineil with a paracbute. especially designcd for obtaioing pbotograpbs of fortifications aud of tbe eamp of the enemv, althongb pictnres may also bo taken for general surveying purposes. Tbe p;iracbute is snogly fobletl in a tbin case at tbe eml of a tifce fuse. The explosion sets frce tbo paracbute. whieh is protected from injury bv moaus of a casiug of asbestos. The p,«rachute bas a unmber of thin umbrella ribs, aml tbese are foreed outward aml kept in tbat position by meaus of a strong spiral spring. From tbe paracbute a camera is susj>emletl. and a string beM bv tbe operator is attached by a universal joint to tbe bottom of tbe devise. for tbe pnrpose of pulling the paracbuta back. Tbe camera is titted witb au instantanoons shutter. operated by clockwork, so a» to give several ex{«osures at intervals. At tbe back of tbe bo\ is an arrangement bv whieh the plates mav be iuanipulated tbe same as eloekwoik. A swing motion ean be given the camera to obtaiu pictures over a wide area. — ( Chicarjo Tiriie.)