Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1893 — The Newest Commandment. [ARTICLE]
The Newest Commandment.
Onee upou a time there were onlv ten commamlments. Punishment followed their JisreganL As time ]»»sseJ, other eommamlmeuts were inventeJ. LatterJav cnltnre has calleJ into existenoe a privil-geJ cla>s of inJiviJaals, who demand concessious inconsisteut with law. By reasou of wculth, position anJ supposed refinement. this class seek excuse from the rigid observance of any law that iucommodes or restrain> its comfort. Throngh tlii« iniluenee there has crept into exi—tence another eoinnjanJment, whieh. by reason of its ‘ excn sativeuess.” bas become supreme over all the others. Societv will neither conJemn, nor pnnisb, tbe privileged elass, nnlcss the charge is proven. It is not sufiicient that the charge is made. This is the “liu de siecle” refinement. It |»erraits the sin. bul prohibit> itsdiscovery.—('/’/<< dul>.)