Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — We Rest Our Case. [ARTICLE]

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We Rest Our Case.

The polilieal sitnation in Hawaii bas beeu tlie subject of the most exbaostive discn*sion in the press. Everythiug whieh eonhl have been said has beeen said The case ha- been argned in the fullest manner and snbiuitteil to the United States acting as a cOurt of arbitration. Fnrther debate is useless. \Vhutever we or the opposition organs ean say now ean have no etfect. Our readers must be as tired as we are of a eoulinuanee of a subject whieh has been threshed threadbare. We propose to give 1 them a rest on the “whv s’ and “wherefore’s we shoald or should not be annexed and submit our case. j