Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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T0 HEOH<i Y Like tender gra««, in April seen, Yoa are so green! And like the tint of Sumraer skies When pearly evening shades arise, The head youcarry up a!oft. It is 90 90l1! Yourtalk is. lite an arid plot. So dry! So flat! And like the infinite extent 0f the unmeasureil firmaraent, The cal!s that you to me extend. They never endT Bright fish, glistening in the meeh, Are not more fresh; But, 'vhen, with a decided “No," I give you gentle hints t<> go, You shame A!satia’s hills in hue— You are so hluel 11 Took Her LonirerThan That. Kowne de Bout.—Wbat did your wife say when you got home last night, Cross? Chrs. Cross — First tell rae how mueh time you have to spare. Kowne de Bout. — Al>out t*'n minutes. Chris. Cros8. — Then I can’t tell you. In Snn4aj-School* “ Why should we *say to Satan ‘ Get thee behind me !’ ?” asked the teacher. “So that weehail get ahead of him,” returned the bright boy. HARBlSON BROS., C3T CONTRACTOKS AND BUILDKRS, 208 Fort St., Houolnln. -— ■ ■ — — TO-NIGHTJ WE THEKE THE ARLINGTON 13illiard l^aiiop^ Hotel Street, Honolnlo. WILL OPEN THI3 EVENING EVERYBOUY WELOOME While & Hopklns, - Proprletor». CHAS. GIROLER, Importer an<l Commission Merchant. SPEC1ALTIES: J. k P. Coata’ Maehine Thread •lonaa Brocks’ Maohine Threa*l Barbrnir> Lineu Thread Pears’ Soar> P. O. Box ,W. Mntnal Telepho&e .V4 13 Ka&hnmanu Street. OHEAP FUEL Fresh Algeroba Firewood $9.00 per Cord Deiivered. JNO. F. COLBUKN A C0. wel 5 2m