Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. The undersigned has received from the Eii-itern St.it» > Tlie Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Island<. It conclndes as follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cnes, Hs.ssorted; Cnshions, [bv Block, patent' Billiard Balls, Composition »ud Ivoiv; Pool. “ “ “ Tips. Chalk; Pocket C«stings with le«thers, and fringe eompleie; Pocket nettings. fringe and leathers; Rubber covers: Court Pla«ter, green and black; New stvle ehalk bolders: Triangles; Shake balls aml leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above go>'ds have boen purchasod at reducod i ites, and the undersigned is now prepared to do anv and all kinds of BĪLLIARĪ) TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also uew and socoi. : hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply 10 J. P. EOWEN, Perry Block. Hotel St. Honolulu ifiif PROJECT C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Ample OpportniiiIy for ALL! Owing to onr constant!y increasing bnsiness and the great demand of an appreciating communitv, we have t uclnded to otler an opportnnity to all parties having capit t'.. Our LINE of SCHOONERS may be «oen gliding over tho BAR to their ntmost carrying cap.icity with clear eool and invigorating Fre 1"r 9 1LAGEE BEEE At the “Anelioi’ Saloon." To accommodate our Yast Eleet of Schooners, we bave built a fine Iarge Refrigerator regardless of cost. “Aneliei,” Is the oulv plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step fonv rd gentlemen, NOW S the Timo. ocl4 3m
NAIHU-SHŪSHA. JUST RECEIVED from JAUAN Several Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in different qaalities. {{ml A$ortm0nt of porceIain Tea Sets a SpecialuJapanese Lanterns aml many| Curios saitable for Christruas: Gootls. 411 KIXG STREET, Honoluln. Telephone«, Bell 474. P.O. Boi 386. Mntnal 544. no!3 Im . i Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. i — j ThisFirst-class Bathing Resort has been enlargetl and is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjov j a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hoarand on Saturdays and Sundays ever\' , fifteen minntes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.
3£mpire Saloon, JAMES Pkopkikiok. Fine Wine& Liquoi% Eeei^, ALWAVS ON HAXD. Corner N'aaaim and Hou-1 Stre>t* W.S. LUCE w w m W W W • • i Wine and Spii ir Merchant Cumphell Fire~jrroof , MEKCHANT ST HONOLULU MORTGAGEES XOTICE OF FORESLOSURE. In aeccrdance with lfce provisioii- ..f i certain mortgage. maiie by C ALAPAI lo Isal bella A Aehi, dated Octcber r >. JS9. rvcorded in Liber U5, i>age 245; no'.i e » bereby gi»en lhat the JIortgagee inleuds te foreclo«e the sazue (or ccn<ii:i l> brukec. v wit; non-payment of princij>al. Notice is like-ari.se giren that af>r th« expiration of three week* (rom the *iaUr o( thw notice, the property conreyed by sai*( iuort(rage will be a<lvertisesl (or saie at publie aneaon. a; the anelion m-.ie-<>f ■ F Morgan, in Honoluln, on MONHA i', »h* 20th <iay oI NovetDber, 1S95, at 12 noon of saii day. Fnrther p*rtimlars ean be had oi W«. C Aehi, Attomey at la», Dated Honolula, Oetober 25. 1S1«5. A. ACTII, Mortgagee. The premiises covered br sai.i m .r.guge, consist of: AIl those preroises sitnated at Karalatna. Hoholula, Oahn. and non particular <ieacribed in a partiti >n deed neiween W C’ Aehi and said C Aiapai, rccorded iu Liber 125 p*2e 1; ci>ntainlng an srea uf 1-? 0 of an acre; and being a part of th «se presn9W knewn a g Apana 1 dUascribed in K>.>yal Pa>em, nnrober 687, grante I to Keiiīi neaina. oct. 28-3w