Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]
Band Concert.
— The P. G. Band gives its usaal Monday evening conoert at Emraa Square at 7:30 o’eloek. Eullowing is the programrae: PAKT I. 1 Overture—"I Pnnlani” Boaqnet 2 l'ieeolo solo—“Deep Blne Sea”.. .Brewer Solo by Mr. L. Barsoti. 3 CUrinet sol«»—“Komaniie” Thornton Solo by ilr. Leough. 4 Selection —"Inmam" Virdi PAEI II.5 Medley—“Mnsi«d Rerif»" Ririere 6 FantA.-ia—“Forge in the Forest” ... Miehealia 7 Schotti-che —"Sweet Siiteen~.. .Kolli--a S Walt?—Dannbe” >transs “Hawaii Ponoi." From the Street. Jones:—Why d;d Marsden import those frogs?" Smith:—*‘Give it op." J ones:—‘*T o hel p ihe P.G. to croa k P The schooner Haleakala, arrived yesterday from Washington and Fanning's Island. W. H. C Greig’s brotbers Ge>rge and David were passengers bv this vessel.