Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 48, 13 November 1893 — Mixed Drinks. [ARTICLE]
Mixed Drinks.
Sorae of our yonng lady friemls object to ns giving prescriptions onlv for “saloon” driuks, aml we wili there fore to-day suggest a raost pleasant refreshment very suitable after an afternoon drive to Waikiki with the best fellow. A well stocked side board is ofconrse a necessitv, but Seaborn Luee will attend to that upon the slightest request — (aml cash). The following is the way iu whieh to prepare (for two) the fa mous .l/?ei - 7ioo)i Cotfee Puneh. Into a la*ge mixing turabler plaee two fresh eggs. a tablespoonful of sugar, one third of the bulk of iine brandy. one dash *• of blackberry brandy, twodashes of portwine, one d »sh of raarasehino. twodashesof orerao de nioe ea. two ponies of creara (milk will do.) Fill with iee, shake it exceedingly well and strain into two fancy glasses and irabibe ’ If that does'n bring the felIow to the “popping” point he must be a suow-m m. At the raeeting of the Portuguese la‘st Saturday at Mr. Dillingham's house at Punahou verv little of interost transpired we are informed. The Portugnese were encouraged to stand uuited aml all work in the same direction for the benetit of the Keform Paity. Our iafonnant states that no explanation was giveu iu regard to the dismissal of Portnguese and tho emplovmentof Japsbv the Oahu Riiiroad Com{x»ny. He said he would rather hear something aboat that move than about Mr. Dillingbam s politics.