Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do not hold onrselves responsible for the opiniona or the ntterauces of our correspondents.] Ei>itok Holompa;— Tlie Httle diddling daisy of the Advertiser savs, the “crumbs of comfort” in tbe correspondence of Presitlent CIevelandare“eiceedinglysmaH'’ for the loyalists. We are sure there are not many crumbs of comfort in that speech for the small clique of Stevens —but big heap of crumbs for the people as a whole. President Cleveland ends his letter thus; “May God have yonr excelIency in His wise keeping." Whieh means that hopes are entertained by President Cleveland that his excellency will be wise enough to take his raedicine kindly when offered by Minister Willis, without kicking iu the traces, Wonder how those “crombs” will taste to the very mueh Reverend Sereno' Au Kevoib.