Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — The New Rule. [ARTICLE]
The New Rule.
The new rale in the Post 0ffice that the mail for San Franc:.sco closes at 10 o eloek a. m.. when the steamer leaves at 1*2 o’eloek. is an outrageon the pnblie. Some silly reason wasgiven about the clerks being bnsy making np statistics for the Internatioual Postal l nion. but we fail to see what possible connection there ean be between tbe two afl’airs. We snppose that statistics have been made np by tbe Hawaiian Post Olliee for the Union before. but we are snre that uever has it be found necessary to let that work interfere with the ordinary routine of receiving, distributing and closing the mail. The Post Office is not for the convenience of the Postal Union, but is for the sole benefit of the taxpayers who are put to a great deal of inconvenienee by the new PostmasterGeneral's new fangled ideas. Auother rnleof thisaccomodating official is that he has forbidden the forwarding of letters through the Steamship Agent’s office where heretofore has been placed the so-called late-letter bag. No reason has been given for that step, but the whole bnsiness looks, as if the Post Oflice officials were desirous of scrutinizing all letters leaviug this port and need time to do so. But it is ouly auotber illnstration of the motto of the P. G. of “damn the people.