Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
$rnfral G. W. IAGFABLAHE & G0., lmporters&Commission : MERCHAXTS, Honolula, - Hawaiian Islamls THOMAS LINDSAY. Mannfacturing\ Jeveler and Watckmaker, Mclnerny Block, 40’> Fort St., Honolnln. “FAT BOY.” | 8AL00N ! P. McIXERNT, Fnoi'HiCTOK, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. j Cor.ver Bcthel axd Hotel Sts. 1 H. May & Co., | Tea Dealers, CofFee Roasters & Provision JVIerchants 93 Fort Street, - Hunolulu Families, Plantations an . Ships suppliecl witb choicost Euwpean &Amcrican Grocerie$ California Protluce by Every Steamer. CITY MEAĪ MARKET Oppo. Queen Enmm Hall, Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, FA!VIILYSaBUTCHER Ma1cer ofthe Celebratcd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Thk.m. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Sul»urbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. Chas. T. Grulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Aoknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, OaLu. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt <fc Scott’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Bnrlington Konte. Real Estate Broter aai &eneral Apnt. Bell Tel. 318; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu. H. I. CH0CK LOOK, Merchant Tailor Xo. 321 Xan»nn Stieet, ALL SU1TS GI ARAXTEED T0 FIT, and MABE in ihe BESTSTTLE. CLOTHES CLEANED ixī> REPAIEED.