Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MWAJI HOLO^UA, 13 PCBLLSHED Every .A.ftenioon EX»'EPT 8C\DAT BY THE Holomua Publisbing Co, At Kin" 8t. (Thomas hloeki, Honolulo, H I. STJESCSIPTIŪN, per 2Icath, 50 Cts. The pa; er is delivere<l by Carriers in the town and subnrb<. r*ingle Copies fjr !«ale »t the News Dealers and at the Office of pnblication. ABRAHAM FERHANDEZ t - Manager EOUUNO NORRIE. - - Editor XOTICE. AU Rnsiness Commurications shonld be addressed to Abraham Femandez, HonoInlu, H. I. Corres[Viiidence anj C<>mmnnications for pul>licati.>ii should be addressed to the Editor ilawaii Holomna. Xo notice will be paid to any aiumymons oommunications. v Xu$infss (fard$ A. P. PETERSON, ATTOKXEV AT LAW. Office: IK5 Kaahnmanu Street, Honolnln Hawaiiau Islauds. CHARLES CREI(jrHTON, ATTOj:XEV AT LAW. Offic«*: 11." Kaahnmann Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMAN. aTTORXEY at law. 314 Morchant Street, Honolulu, Mntual Telephone 415. CLAKENC£ W. ASHFORD, ATTOKXEY AXD COCXSELLOR AT LAW. OHh'i'. Old Capitol BnildinK, (Honoluln Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolnln. J. M. DAVIDSON. ATTORXEY AT LAW, 30G Merchant St., Olliee (Mutual) Tel. 1S0, Residonce G7. S. K. KA-NE. ATTORXEY AT LAW. Olliee: Corner King and Bethel stroets. np-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORXEV AT LAW, OlHoe, corner King W Bethel Sts. F. H. REDWARD, COXTKACTOR asd IUTLDEK. No. 50G Kini; Street. Honolulu, Hawaiiau Islands. BRUCE & A. J. GARTWRIGHT Business of a Fiduciary Xatnre Tr»cs)»cted. Prompt aUenūou giren to the iranagement of Esutes Gaar.lianship6. Trusts» etc.. etc.. etc. Omct», : Caritcrigki BuiUhng, Merch.int Strec*t, Hemolnln. EONSfiL¥ES & 00,, Importers A Dealers in Grocerles. Wines, Splrfts, &c. Queen St., Honolulu.