Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 Nowemapa 1893 — The Revolntion in the Missionary Board. [ARTICLE]
The Revolntion in the Missionary Board.
A beneficent cbange has eome over tbe American Board, and none too soon for its own salvation, whatever may be the measnre of salvation allotted to other sinnei-s. It matters little to what influeuees it may bo imputed, whether to the pressure of liberal sentiments within aud without the board or a rather late rejection of intolorant opiuions. whieh have so diminished the etficiency. as a missionary agencv, of the A. B. C. F. M. Of com-se, the turnabout places some merabers of the board in an anomalous position, if they hold on to oftice after such a strong expression of opinion in favor of Mr. Noves and against those who had at first indorsed and then condemned the faituful and snccessfol missionary. Two members of the prudential committee and Kev. Dr. Alden, home secretarv, resigned their positions. Thev understood what the verdict meant. Joseph Cook got into the scrimmage just iu time to roalke how impossible it was. even for his might and majestv, to change the popn!ar current when it is set in a certain direction. From the small vote his side obtained he must think that the heathen are getting the best of the invincible band he was aecustomed to lead in defence of doctrines rather repulsive to nineteenth centuxy cultivation and humanity.— Bu*(on Tmnscripl.