Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 Nowemapa 1893 — A Breach of Promise Case. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Breach of Promise Case.

In January, 1880. a banker'3 c!erk of the name if Steinw<>!i5 made ihe aeuuainlanoe of Fanny Stevens, agtd twenly twr, tbe danghter of a j» we!ler. Steinweg fell desperately in 'ove w;!h the young ]ady. propoee<l to her, and it was decided that they shculd he roarried in the sumn:er of the «aire year. When the auspiciou> d»y was close at han<l, Stt.nweg dec!ared, with tears in his ey< s, that the consuromation of his happi* ness wonldhaveto be pr.stjoncd, as he could not find suitable lodgings. Tho ‘Jtith March, ls>7, wea then fixed for the «edding. Cn the 12th March Steinweg eanee weeping to inform his intend* d that his salarv was t<x> sn;all f r such an adorab!e wife. And so he went on f«»r five yeirs, always find!rg eome n-w j r*text for dtf*rrirg tbe mamage. Or.ce or twice he was taken suddenly il just l>ef re the day appointed. At other liroes he brought on a temporarv quarrel. aml on the 'th Novemper last, when bis stock' f subterfuges wts exhausted, he \\r jte t<> tho young lady as follows: — “When you read these liues I «hall have taken u y departnre toa better world, where a nmn may clasp the g;rl of his ehoiee to his breast w<thout tbe ie.esstty of going to the expense of ftrnishing a ho ise, .whieh, for the present, I find to be impossib!e.” Half mad with terror, Miss vens hurried ofi'to the lodginga of her Jiiuiure, and found him sitting in front of a glass of puneh, smoking a cigar! The otherday, when called upon to explain his conduct at the assize Courts, he indignantly exclainied: “There has been no breach! T hereby p!edge myself afresh to mar ry Fanny on the 20th March, 1°91. Judge and jury wou!d have none of his proroises, and the b.inkcr’g clerk was sentenced to pay 2010 marks datnages. As the defendai t Was Ieaving the court, the judge called after him: “L must remir.d you that the law brooks no delay; y'ou will have to find tbe money and coets within eight days from now.”— Tagliche Run >isrf>nu .