Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 Nowemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Th» P. G. Bind played at the Hawaiian Hotel la?t evening. The steamer Anstra!ia saile<i at uoon to-day. for Sin Francisco. A P<ilitical or.itor out West was recently alluded to as a barangue outaiig. — Practice game of foot hall between the Honolulu and Punahou teams this afternoon. It is reporte<l. that one of the present military corupanies has been detailed to watch another militarv company Hear-Admiral .īohn Irwin, U. S. X. called on His Excellency the M : nister of Foreign AfT<irs this afternoon. The fourth, of the serie? of those very plea.«ant receptions is being held on hoard of the U. S. F. S. Philadelphia this afternoon, ‘2S7 bags Spuds. 10 bngs Coru, 33 Hogs. 45 bdls. Hides, 205 pkgs. Sundries was the steamer Kiuau’s freight list this trip. It was the Hawaiian Xational Band's Orchestra that played the music for the dancers at the dance the other evening. A matcli game between the Punahou and the Pacific foot hall leims, and a game between the Pacifics and the Honolulus teams, are two corcing sporting events. Captain Barker of tbc U. S. F.S. Philadelphia, Commander Xelson of the U. S. S. Adams, Mrs. AVilson, and others were entertained at dinner. bv Hou. aud Mrs. Josepb O. Carter, the other evening. £ If the coral bed near Brewer’s wharf requires anv further blasting, would it not be advisable for the authorities to suspend the work of repairing that is now going on at that wharf. Who knows, bnt that at tho next blasting process the wbarf may be completely domolished.