Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The foIIovrtng pas>engers left bv thestoamer Australia for San Fran oisco to.day: L F Hetz. E J Bonnan, \vife and 2 chiidreu. LFHughs, B 8harp, W Libbey, Mrs Yonug, Miss Yonng. Miss Ericksou, Mrs Wilson. H W 8everance and vrife. W H 8oper. J F Soper. Mrs JH Soper. and 2 children. C A W'arner and wife, F G Buckley. Mrs Admiral Skerrett, the Misses 8kerrett, M Uyman. J G Martiu, K Cal- 1 lendar. H H Dingley. E Jacobson, E Waltner, and Mrs W E Fosler. {