Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 47, 11 November 1893 — A Good Nerve for Shaving. [ARTICLE]
A Good Nerve for Shaving.
A warder, wh> had heen verv succe«sful iu coctroIling criminals in more than one pena! institution. onoe had a prisoner c-infined under h:9 control who said that he would kill hīm at ihe fir=t o;*portunity. The warder said nothing, but tbe
neil afteruoon. when he hal an hoor'r iei<nre, se; t for ihe man. iet us eail h»m. found the WRrder siropping his r.iior. “Oh. BiII, is that yo’.»?” heexelaiuieil. “Well, never n»ind. oan you shave?” The man replie\i that he had often «haved his oompaoiona. “All right; sup[>- -e I see wb*t kind of barber you are,’’ \Vit » that he took asrat in hia chair, handed the enminal the razor, and was shaved. F»ill went faithfuiiv through his duty, and when he had finished the warder 8aid,“They to!d me \v-u werewatchiug for a ehanee to kill me. so I thought I would give yoa as good a ehanee as you eoulil a t k f.»r; lhat was a!i.” Bill slunk sheenis!i!y away, and from thence the warder had no firmer friend than the desj>er.ite criminal.— Tit Hil*