Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 46, 10 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. The miden*ignetl has receiveil from the E;4>tern - The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imj>ortetl to the l<latuls. It oonc!odes foIlou--Cloth ? 3 grades; Cnes. nsssorted: Cashions. [bv Illoek. patetit]; Billiard Balls, Composition aud Ivoiv: Pool, “ “ “ Tips. Chalk; Pocket Castiags witli Ie«tbers. anil fringe coraplete; Pocket nettings. friuge aiul leathers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster. green and black; New stvlo ehalk holders; Triangies; 8hake balls aml leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above goods bave been purchased at reduced nites aml the mulersigned is now prepared to do anv aml ;»! kiuds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new aml secomi hand Billiard and Pool Tables for 8ale. Please apply 10 J. P. BOWEN. Perry Bloek. Hotel 8t. HonoluU: A VAST PRO.IE('T C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Ample Opportmiity for ALL’ Owing to onr constantlv increasing business and 11;e great demaml of an appreciating commuuity, we have eeuclnded to offer an opportunity to all parties having eapilal Our LINE of SCHOONEKS raay be seeu gliding over ti.e BAR filled to their utmost carrying capacity with clear eool and invigorating Fre 1£«” r9 SLAGERBEĒR At the “Anchor Saloon.” To accommodate our Vust Fleet of Schooners, ve have built a fine large Rcfi igerator regardless of cost. Tlxe fcfc -^-rLCl^ox,” Is tbe only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksbr.i g Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step fon».;rd gentlemen, NOW S the Time. ocl4 3m
Long Branch BATHING Establlshment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarge»l and is now open to the puulie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay oti'. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. MORTGAGEES NOTICE OE FOKECLOSURE. Ia accordance witn the provlgions of a certain Mortgage. made by Kameehonna of Weloka, Hilo, Hawaii to Ab Hing dated Jnlv 7th, 1890, recorded in Liber lib, page lō7; noliee is herebv eirrn that the Mortgage fntends to torecloee tbeeame for oonditions broken . to wit: the non payment of Principal ! and Interest when dne. Notice 18 likewieeeiien that after the expirat ; on of three weeks fn>m the date of this notice the property conveyed by said Mortgage will be advertāsed for sale at Pnh.ie Aneiion. at the aaeiion rooms of J F Morgan.inHocoialn.on Monday the 2»Xh day of Xovember, 1893, at 12 noon, of said day. Farther particalars ean b? had of WiMam C. Aehi, Attorneyat Ijiw. Dated Honolnla. Octobēr 2ōth, 1893. AH HING, Mortg ge. The premises. covered by said~ mort gage, consist of: 12 acres sitaated at We-oka, Hilo, Hawaii. and described in Koyal P*>nt nnmber 1032 in the name of Ramaipiialii. oct. 28-3w
iCmpire JAMEi? OLDS, rKoPKirroK. Fine Wine& Liqaoi% Eetr. ALWAY8 ON HAXD. Coroer N'unann &n<l Hotel >treet* W.S.LUCE w w I m y* AVine aml Si)ii it * !NIerc]iaiit Fire-jiroof Hhn' |MERCHANTST. HONOLULU i ~~ ——————————— | MOKTGAGEE’S X( >TICE OF FORESLOSl RE In acoordani-v with the pnwUion* it i certain mortgage. mule by C ALAPAl I» Isabbelb» A Aehi, <late<l Octoli«r 5, 139. _ rtcorde<l in Libtr 14ō, 243: noUe* • herehy given that the Mortgagec intem(s U foreclose the sune (or oonditk)UJ< nmken. t» srit; non-pavment of phneipal. Notice is hkeww pven that a(ter tbc expiration of three weeks frr ru the <Ute <M thia nouee, the property conveyed hy aaāi mortgage will 1« s<iTertised for aale at pnb lio aneUon, at the aoction r»x>aiH o( Ua. F Morgan, in Honolnin. on MONDA .. tfaw 20th day of NoTember, 1393. at 12 nom of said d«y. Farther particnlars ean be had o! W*,. C Aehi, Attoroey at I.aw. L>ated Honoinla. October 25, 1393, issabella a achl Morlgasee. The pr*-nii~r9 oovere<l by saul couaist of; Ail tLowt premUes <dtaate<l at Kapolama, Hohoiala, Oaha. and more paitmlu <iwācribed in a partition de«d between W C Aehi &nd said C AUpni. recottled m Lahcr 123 page 1; containing an <irea 4f 1-10 o( aa acre; and being a part of tbose pr*cn a» known a* Apana l described in Royal PsV ent, namber 637. granted to Keliipneaian. oct. 2Mt