Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 46, 10 November 1893 — BALL AT WAIKIKI. [ARTICLE]
Mr. and Mrs. W. <». lrwin £ntertain Their Fri<*n«1 iu a Jl«~t Brilliant Xaaner i.a»t >i?ht A large namber of la«iies and gentlemen gathered last night at the magnificent residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. lrwin at Waikiki in response to iuvitation to a dance. The hall was a most successful and brilliant atlair. The fioral d«3cor;»tions of the rooms were profuse and most ta»tefullv arranged while the • D garden looked like a fairy-land lighted bv pretty J»panese lanterns. Altnough several hundred people were present, there was ample room for dancing whieh was kept up with a will to the’excelleut music furnished by Prof. Berger until 1 o’eloek in the morning. An elegant supper was served. Chief steward James of the Australia acted as caterer.