Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1893 — Fears for Dr. Nansen. [ARTICLE]
Fears for Dr. Nansen.
London, Oot<>ber 27.—The Pall Mnll Gazetif publishes a story to the effect that a Norwegian returning from Northern Russia brings news to the eft'ect that the Fram, the Arctic exp!orer Xansen’s ship. was siglited outside Kara river. working heavily and awkwardly in the iee. It was the opinion that the Fram cou!d not withstand the buffetings and pinching of the iee; that Nanse.rs temperaraent had great!y changed; thst he had become vaci!lating, restless and melancholy. Fears are expressed tbat he is Inst and that if he returned news from him would have been received ere now.