Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 November 1893 — THE LIBEL. [ARTICLE]

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The c ise of criminal lihel aj:aiust the editor of the Holomca at the complaint of Mr. T. W. Hobron, \vas called this morning in thē District Court. Mr. Kinney appeared for the prosecution, aml Mr. Neumann for tue defendant. The prosecution called Messrs Hobron, Oscar White, C. F. Smith, and Maiiin who all thought that Mr. Hobrou was referred to in the artiele criticizing the Honolnln correspoudent to the San Fnncisco Chronicles. No defense was offered whereupou tbe court eommitted the defendaut for trial before the Circuit Court. The case will probab!y be heard at the Februarv Term.