Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

3jasurancf līAHINE INSUEANCE. T U.\: f.::>i'iNED authorized to take Manne Risks -ON Hulls, Car<xoes, Freiirlit.s and C< >i iiiiiissions, at ( .; I. nt Rau*s iu tlie foIlo\ving Companies, viz: ’unee Assurance Fire $ Marine, - Lomlon j( ’/, ,’lnm oj' Madgehurg Genl. Ins. Co. Sun Insuravce Co. t - - San Francisco .1. S. ALKEK, Ag-ent tor Hawaiian Tslands Kesidence : Mntnal 410. P.O. x 117. Tki.ki*hone.s : Bell 351. _ Mulual 417. E. B.THOMAS, - - ’ I vA i m ; rr^. Hk . Contractor d Builder Estimates (iiven on -;V11 ldnds OF niiini. niiiN.» AU Kir.ds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS F()R S^VI.E: Brick, Lhue, Coment, Irou Stone Pipe and Fittings, OUl .V New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Quurr\ Ti t>, assorted sizts aud colors; Califoinia and Monterey Sand, Grauite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. f Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Ofhce Hours, 8toi2M., ( ito4P. M. Holomua* Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISH£RS OF THE o HAWAIl * * H0L0MUA,” A. Journal isxued Daily, (Suuday excepted) 1 n ihe English langnage. and pledged in policv to snpport the UlGHT" >nd Pkkvh.f.of.s of tbe Haw.uian People, the interests of the laboring men. and good aud honest GovernUieui for tbe whole couutry. .1015 PKINTERS \il Btx>KS and Job Pri.vting noatly execnted at short notice and at m<xierate fignres. B1LL HEADS, CAKDS. LETTER HEADS. POSTEKS, ete., Finished in First-Class style. Islitud Onlers solicited and promptly attended to. Office : Thomas’ Block. King Street, Houolulu, H. I.