Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. The undersigne».l hasreceiveu from the Es'tern Sttt- ~ The Ltirgest Single Order of Billiarcl Material ever imported to the I>Iaiuls. It evuolude> a> f*.‘ilow~ CIoth, 3 grades; C ues. asssorted: L ashions, {]by BIock, patent]; llilliani Ba!ls, ComiM)sition an*l Ivoiv; Pool, ** “ “ •« Tins. Chalk; Pocket C »>tings w ith lc.ithers, aml friuge coraplete; Pocket nettings. fringe an.l leathers; Kubber covers; Court Plaster. green and black; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake bal!s and leather bottles . Pool pins: Markers, etc.. etc. Ihe above goods have been purchased at rednoed rate> and the nndersigned is now prepared to do an\ auu ..11 kinds of I5ILLIAKI) TABLK WOU.\ at Teasonable rates with dispatch. AIso new and secon.' hand Eillianl and Puol Tables for 8ale. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN. Penv B!ock, HoteI 8t. Houolulu A VA8T PROJEC T C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Ample Opportimity for ALL ’ Owing to onr constantly increasiug business and t! e great demand of an appreciating communitv, uv have v i, clnded to offer an opportunity to all parties having oapital. Our LINL of 8C HOONEK8 may be soen giidir.g <>vt r f . BAK tilled to their utraost carn ing capacitv with eleai. eool and invigorating Fre “ ur9 ! LAŌEE BEEE At the ‘"Anehoi* Saloon.” To accommodate our Vast Fleet of 8chooners, we bave built a fine large Kefrigerator regardless of cost. T3a© “-^rLo;b.C2:,” Is the only plaee where a Cool GIass of Frederieksburg Beer on draught eau be bad iu Honolulu. 8tep forw.tiu geutlemen, NOW8 the Time. ocl4 3m
Long Branch BATHIN G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Eesort; has been enlarged aml is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islamls to enjoy | a bath aml there is no betteri plaee to lay oti'. Special aeeom- ! modations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door even* half hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every ! fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. MORTGAGEE’S XOTICE OE FOKECLOSURIl. In accordance witn the provigions of I a certain Mortgage. made bv Kameehoi.ua of Weioka, Hilo, Hawai: to Ah I i Hing ilated Ju!v 7th, 1&90. recorded in ; | Liber page 157; not;ce ia hereby | i given that the Mortgage intemls tol i forecloee tbesaine tor cunditions broken to wit: the non payment of Princ:pai ‘ | and lmerest when ilae. Notice is likewisegiven that after the j expirat’on of three weeks from the date of this notice the propertv conveyed: hy said Mortgage will be a«lverti9ed for \ saie at Pnb!ic Anction at the mcctk>n I r.oaisof J F UorpD,ic Hoeolnin. on i Mondav the 20th dav of November, !89!1, i at 12 noon, of said <\ay. p*rtienlars ean be had ot I Wil lam C. Aehi, Attomey at I-aw. Dated Honoluln. Octobēr 25th, IS9:L AH HfSG. Mortg ■ ge. The premises, oovered bv said mort sraee, connst of: 12 acres situated at Heloka, Hilo, : Hawaii. and degcrbed in Hoyai Patent number 1032 in the name ōf Kamai- ■ piialii. oct. 28-ow
lCmpire Saloon, JAMF.S OLDS, Phopk i» : or, Fine Liquoi% BEer. ALWAI8 ON' HAXl>. Corner Nunann and Hotel Strpets W. s. LUCE TV r ine and Spii ir Merchant Cam]J>€ll Fi re-proof Block , MERCHANT ST HONOLUU MORTGAGEE’S X( )TICK OF FORESLOSURE. In aoeonlanee with the provi»k)Ls f » certain tnortgage. nuule bv C A1. APA i ia Isa! beila A Aehi date«i Octoi>er 5, I""). , reoonied in Liber 145, page 348: noiiee m hereby giren that the »ntagee inteii-hi 'o forecloee the aune for conditioc.« ••*■•ken. tr> wit; non-p*rment of piineipa). Notice is likewūe giTen tha: after tti* expiration of three weeka fmci tLe ia'e ct thw notice, tbe pmpertj couTeve«l by sa:d mort$9ge will be advertised for saie r.: pni> lie anelion. at th« anehon r» tts <>; •f Morgan, in Honolnln. on MOMii'., 30th dar of NoTember. 1993, at 13 aooa oi said dāj. Fnrther pnrticnlar> eau be had of " C Aehi, Artomey at 1 jw. L»nted Honolala. Octoi>er2S, 1993. The premises coTered by said m. rt«r-t!a, oousi«t of: A!1 tbwe premises <dtnated at Kap.Uamm, Hohololn, Oahn. and morv partt, iiar <iesfribed in a pwrtition deed betwecn W C Aehi and said C Alapai. recor*ied in l.iber 125 pa,re 1; containiU£ an area < f I-IO uf an acr«; and being a part of tho«e precrs«s known m Apana I described i: R< val Pstent, nomber tiS7, granted u> Keiupneaina. oct. 28-3w ISS.ABELl„A A. ACHI. Mortga^ee.