Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

TO-NIGHT ! we there THE ARLINGTON I3illiard !Parlors Hotel Street, Honolaio. WILL OPEN THIS EVENING KVERYBODY WELOOME Wh!te & Hopkin», - Proprietor». L. H. DEE, Jobber of \Vines, Sprits amt BetM*s HOTEL ST., ( Between Fort anJ Botbel Streets. ; t NAĪIONAL IR0N WŪRKS, Qckkn Strf.et, Between Alākea & KieLanl Sts. THE UN‘DEKSIOXED are p*ep«red to niike ril kuuis of Ir»n Brawi. Brc>nz«, Zine, Tin aud Leail C«*ting». Also a Geo«rai Repūr Shop for Su am Enuine», Kiee Corti Wat«r Wl»seU, Win<l MilU, etc. Moehine* for the rTe*ni:.g of Coffee, Castor Oīis, Hamie, SUal, Pineapple X other Fibrons FUcts, And Pi(« Stock Also Ma.-hiue* for Extracting Starcb from tfae Maokie, Am>» Kool, etc. AU Ord«s promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.