Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA another Invoice of the celebrated ♦JOHN WEILAXD EXTRA PALE LAGER Also, a Fkesh Ixvoice of California Oysters FOR OYSTER COCKTAILS % L. H. DEE. Proprietor. iUST ARRIVED, 3 3 U u J Baby Carriages 0F ALL STYLES, IY[at0, ĪN' THE LATEST PATTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines HaND Se\VING MACHDiES, \Vith the Latest Improvement8^£| PAHLOK Organs, Gruiitars, And OtherMusical Instrnments. \V ines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS ON HAXD, AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHUEG£E t C0. Kiug St.. oppo. Castle Jc Cooke’s. YEN KEE & CO., Tinsmiths aml dealers in Crockery ware, GIasswure, etc. Water Pipes Laid andRepaired, Flnmbing Neatlv Executed. No. 41 Nuuanu St., between King and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. W1NG WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Nuuina Street, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers in GEN'L MERCHASDIS£. Fine Manila Cipars, Chiitese and Japanese Crock’ry ware. Mattings. Vases of all kinds. Camphorwood Trunks. Rattan Chairs. a 1 ino Assortuent of I)ress Silks, Best Brands of Chin«se aud Japaneso Teas of Latest Importitions. Inspection of New Go<xls Respectfullv Solicited. ■> Mntnal Tel. 206. P. O. Box 158.