Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 November 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jfnsurancr MAEINE INSTOANCE. Th«: Uk»brsiu>ed i> authorize<i to take Manne Risks -oxHnlls, Cargoes, Fi"©i2:lits and Commissions, a r Cumnt Rates in the following Companies, viz; • AlU(ince Assurance Fire <V Mnrine, - Lonāon Wilhelma of Madgeburg Oen’l. Ins. Co. Sun īnsurance Co., - - San Francisco ,T. S. WALKEK. Agent tor Ilawaiian īslands Tklephoxes; J3ell 351. Mutual 417. Eesidexce : Mutual 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, T' Contractor Buildcr Kstiniatos Civen on ./VII lvinds OF liHIOL ll|l|V ;«E S WDSS B11LDIXGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: « l'iiok, Liuie, Cemont, īrou Stouc Pipe aml Fittings, OKl tV New Corrugated Iron, Miuton Tiles, Qnarrv Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; . California and Monterey Sand, Grauite Curl>iag and Blocks, etc.. etc.- (' Corner King <ft Smith *>ts. OFFICE <ft YARD: Office Hours, 8to 12 M., (_ 1to4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE u hawah-holomua; A Jonrnal issued Daily. (Sundsy excepted) In the English language. aud pledged iu policy to support the Kiohts >xp Pkevileoes of the Hawaiian People, the mter«'sts of the laboring men. and good and honest Governjaent for the wh.de country. ,1013 PRI>TERS All Books and Job PiavriSG neatly executed at short notice and at moderate figures, B1LL HEADS, CARD8, LETrER HEADS, POSTERS, etc., Finishe*l in First~Class style. Islaud Orvlers solieited &nd promptly attended to. Office : Thoru»s’ Block. King Street, Honoluiu, H. I.