Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 Nowemapa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The following were passengers from Hawaii and Mam, by the steamer W. G. Kall yesterday afternoon. From Volcano—Dr. Herz. From Kan. Kona and Lahaina —E IV Fuller. Rev. E Lewis, R Calleudar, H R Parmelee, J Mort Oat. Mrs. A A Haalelea, Mrs. J Monsarrat and serrant. Melville Monsarrat. Y Amoy, J Makainai, Mrs. S Nowlein and servaut, Isaac Sherwo«.Hl wife and two children, Miss B Cornwell, G MeLean. Miss Kaeo, Miss E Beuisb, and L5 on deck. It is to be noticed that three or foar enterprfeing firms ( annexationists) have purchased new flags, whieh are now flying over their respective places of bosiness.