Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 44, 8 Nowemapa 1893 — Tough Job in Prospect for Keeley. [ARTICLE]
Tough Job in Prospect for Keeley.
Fr(ifesser A. L. Bubach. - .!n attache of the Iui|>erial Museuui of Berlin, who, with nine trusty nien has been making exploratīons in northern and vvest-*rn Brazil, sends thie extraordiuary information to the directors of the iinstitution named above: “ flave had wonderful luek. \\ e already have over 9.000 unnamed sj*ecimens in natural history, including a snake s:xty aeven feet long, with Iong tusks like a boar and a horn two feet long on its forehead.”— S. F. Chronirle.