Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1893 — That's It. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

That's It.

( Alioona Tribu ne). As the United States are not engnged in the business of annexation by conquest we do not see wbv the Hawaiian question should not be settled by a vote of the people of the islands. To permit the American and British merchants who have settled there to decide the matter would be antagonistic to the fundamental principles of the government. Some of the f missionaries who are now argning so strongly iu favor of annexation tell ns tbat moderu Hawaii is tho resnlt of the labors of themselves and th*‘ir predeces- ' sors. Verv well, then. if the I Hawaiian natives have l>een j civilize<l they are cOmpetent to | settlo the qnestion of their fnture relations to this countn'. It wonld be an outrage of the first magnitude to anuex Hawaii without first ascertaining the wishes of tbe natives. The Japanese and the Chinese may be left oot ofthe question; they are aliens, but tbe people who were born on the islands and who bave bad the benefit of missionary instrnction for the last fifty yeare sorely know what they want. Let them be heard. 1