Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1893 — Not Quite That Bad. [ARTICLE]
Not Quite That Bad.
*■ You are charged with vagrancy. You never do anything but beg," said Judge Sully McDuffie to a shady iooking pr?soner. Tramp—Aou do me great injustice. Your Honor. I sleal every ehanee I ge», and I ganable, to<), occasiona»ly. Judge—I beg your pardon. I had no idea you were so respectable. I hope you will excuse me. Iam verv sorrv. Tramp—Well, you needn’t carry the thing t » far. Judge- 1 don r t elaim to be a rnember of the Asaembly — Ti( Bit*