Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Tho P. G. lland played on the steamer dock this morning. One bundred and eight Chinese arnved on the steamer Ciiina. The eleamer Waialeale ; s up to leavefbr Hamakua to-morrow. The F. G. Kitle-carn>re and P. G. band, trere displaytd this naorning. I>etwoen thirty and fort\ |h?ople listened to the P. (1. Band’s Coucert at Emuia Square Iast eveuing. \ Rear Admiral Irwin hoisted his flag on board of tbe U. S. F. S. Philadelphia this morning. and was saluted. Rev. Mr. Howland will hold a special service, at Ariou Hall this evening at 7:30 p.m. everv" body weleōme. United States Min;ster Albert S. Willia, presented his credentials to the Provisional Government this forenoou.
Qaite a namber of people \rere present on Palaee Sqnare this forenoon to see Minister Willis drive to the Palaee bnilding. Minister Willi,s was aeeompanied by Consnl Geueral Mi!ls, this morning when he cal!ed on the Provisional Government. Rear-Admiral S=cerrett’s fl.or was saluted this mr>rning when it was lowered from its poeilion at ihe niainmast truck of the U. S. F. S. Phlladelphia. M hen the Ohina left port this morning. Rear Admiral Skerrett’s tlag was displayed from the mizzen mast. The U. S. F. S. Philade!phia saluted tho departing Admiral. The following persors left the city bv the steimer China this morning. Ref Admiral Skerrett, Lieutenant Wi son, Lie iten»nt Fox, H F Lewis, S G Wilder, Knsigu Wiliiams, Mrs. Opfergelt. lt is to be hoped, that no one of tbe “goody goodv’s” of the preset.t regirae do such a wicked thing as smnggle opinm, or try fco do so, or allow it to pass in. - We would not like to trust any of tbem - Another immense throng of patriotic Hawaiians Iistened to tlie music of the Hawaiian Xa- 1 tional Band at the Hotel last evening. Fuliy 3,500 or 4,C)00 persons must have been present. The concert was complimentary to United Siates Minister Willis. Tbe following passengers for Honolnlu arrived on the steamer China: Rear-Adrairal Jno Irwin, L T S.V Lieut Adaras, U 8 N, Eusign Parmenter, U S N, Mrs rarmentor, Mrs Adams, Mrs Irwin, Miss Irwin, Mr Jno Iiwin Jr, Dr W E Taylor, U S N.