Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 Nowemapa 1893 — NAVY OF THE MIKADO. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


>ew Japauese-Bullt Vessel S»on to Be ; riacod in ('ommission. Victoria (B. C.), October ‘24. — Captain Ingles arrived ou tbe Empress of Japau, on his way to England. He bas heen for six years iu the service of the Japannese Governraeut as uaval advisor. He speaks highly of the Japan* ese navy. They ean, he says, bnild and eqaip first class warships, and are about to plaee in comraission a 4000-ton vessel, with a sixty-six-ton Canet gun. Tliere is only ooe foreigner now in the Japauese naval service, Kow,ird, the gunner\* instrnctor. The army, whieh is under a German Major, is in escelleut eondition.