Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 Nowemapa 1893 — SENSIBLE TALK. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


j A correspocdent of the New j ! York S*m in a letter urging the | | iraportance of the annoxation of ' 1 Hawaii declares that two verv j j profitable iudustries have uot wt : been dcve!oped on the isiaud>. I . Oue is sheep-rs«ising ;»u.l 11;;• j J other cotfee-gruwing. Sheep | could probably be bred at u pro- ‘ fit, though why any man shouId | pass bv excelleut sheej> land iu | the West to cross the sea to Ha- ( waii is not cle;tr. In regard to j eoll’oe it is nonseuse to talk of growing it in Hawaii at tlie j»resent cost of labor. Thecoffee j>lant reqnires considerable hand | labor. and nnder present condi \ tions it is idle to talkof Hawaiian competition wiib Guatemala or Costa Rica, wbere peonago j>re- ) i vaiis and au aV»lobodied man will work for 20 cents a duy. Ihe j cotiee plant flourishes iu Califor- j nia, but like toa or silk it will not be grown here so long as farm hands demand aiul receive , over a dollar a day f»r their j labor.